Updates May 2018

Whats currently up?

After travels to running the European Game Showcase at GDC at Swissnex and spending time at GDC in San Francisco in March, visiting  Reboot Develop in Dubrovnik in April and also checking out how events during gamesweek Berlin have progressed (including my old conference Quo Vadis) I´ve returned from Nordic Game Conference 2018 in Malmö.




As always conference travels bears results on multiple dimensions, sometimes general catchups, long term planned meetings or random encounters – and I always make sure I leave space for all of those types of meetings during a conference. This is the busiest season for conferences for me over the year since most of the conversations which bear fruit over the year or the following happen now. At Ludicious we´ve concluded our retreat in April and decided on our focus for 2019 (which will be pretty distinctive) and to learn more what the studios in Switzerland think I´m preparing a round of studio visits all over Switzerland during summer, starting with Zurich end of June.

Coming up next

Aside of the aforementioned studio tour I´m excited to announce my second work involvement very soon, which is meant to complement my work with our awesome team at Ludicious (which amounts to roughly 50-60% of my time). I´m really looking forward to this, since we´ve been prepping the final line-up with all partners now for quite some time.

The upcoming two months are slightly less focussed on travel -aside of visiting studios directly and going to Develop Brighton to catch up with the UK scene- but I´m sure we´ll bump into each other here and there potentially soon, as there is evoke and gamescom and devcom in Cologne in summer – as Respawn – Gathering of Game Developers seems finally to be discontinued according to inactivity at the website and Twitter.