Hi! My name is Tobias Kopka. I am a freelance program director, facilitator, and advisor in the games industry. My focus is on events and experiences that center on the creation of games, the business of games, or the art & culture of games.

Thank you for stopping by!
Please find some of recent involvements and services below.

If you need a sparring partner on game (developer) events, connecting within the games industry, or are wondering how to get to the next level with a concept or project, don´t hesitate to get in touch!

As an advisor, I am your sparring partner and thought-clarifier bouncing back constructive feedback, zoning in on opportunities and inconsistencies, to leverage your endeavor in focussed, deep conversations.

curatomic logo

My main affiliation is game (developer) events, conferences, and festivals, focussing on program curation, conference direction, partnerships, and facilitating networking activities, always creating connections and conversations that are spot on.

Another way I can help is to support your relationship work & business development in the creative economy of the games industry, in tech, and in digital media.

Find more info about my services and a full bio here, or continue to my homepage with the recent news.