Dear friends,
after 2017 has rolled-out around the globe I´d like to thank you for the time we shared in 2016, be it in physical face-to-face time, or be it here on digital and social media! It´s been a wild ride and I´m thankful for the experiences made. In general it has been a year of great successes and of setting things straight, so 2017 has many opportunities, but -of course- also some challenges and changes ahead.
With all the negative stories around us, be it in the industry (not only in games, but also in many other creative industries like movies, television or music), be it in on the political and social landscape, be it in our personal relationships and everyday life, I guess it is important to maintain a positive mindset nevertheless (yes, even as a pragmatic reality driven German ) – so we don´t get lost to the German Angst of fearing what might happen instead of tackling what´s in front of us.
I guess It always boils down to the same thing: choosing our battles wisely, focussing on the stuff we want to tackle, keeping the rest in mind, and letting go of the things which are out of our reach to change (which is -by the way- the tricky one 🙂 ).
So In this way wish all of you a heartfelt HAPPY NEW YEAR! May all your plans what you´d like to change and build on in 2017 come reality step by step! Thank you for your friendship, acquaintance, time and experience, let´s make 2017 a great one! There will be some interesting shit to rock that´s for sure!